Filtering by: WASP

WASP Asia Pacific Hybrid Congress 2021
to Sep 18

WASP Asia Pacific Hybrid Congress 2021

The theme of the Congress has been chosen as “Innovations in Social Psychiatry across the World”. The focus during the Congress will be on innovations in the social arena, considering how social psychiatry has helped in dealing with the mental health issues in the background of the COVID-19 pandemic and has provided opportunities to integrate its principles into the “rethink” of mental healthcare.

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WASP: 2019 World Congress of Social Psychiatry
to Oct 28

WASP: 2019 World Congress of Social Psychiatry

Very warm welcome to the 23th World Congress of Social Psychiatry. We are facing a significant change with the new approaches of education, prevention and care in the field of social psychiatry. We have invited experts from around the world to confront and exchange their practices. The impact of social determinants, cultural determinants, economic determinants in terms of public health are the main burden for patients and carers. The congress will have a key focus on describing and increasing our knowledge of the major social impact of globalization their influences on mental health. Welcome to Bucharest and to our WASP Congress from October 25-28, 2019.

Learn more on the WASP 2019 Conference website.

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